miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

GEOG226- The Gauchos and the Pampas

Today we visited an estancia (Spanish word for ranch) in the Pampas. The word Pampas is derived  from the Indian language called Quechua, meaning upland meadow. The Pampas region contains the country's largest cities and industrial centers including Mar del Plata, Rosario, Corduba, and Buenos Aires. It is considered the most important region in Argentina economically, politically, and demographically.The Pampas region has very rich soil and has 2 subdivisions: pampa humeda and pampa seca. The estancia we saw today was in the pampa humeda region, it is much more humid and wet, as we were able to see with the heavy rainfall and high humidity.

We traveled northwest for about 2 hours to get to the estancia. It looked like a ranch crossed with a spa/ resort feel to it because of the pool and tourists. The land was very green and there was a lot of rainfall. Horses were roaming around everywhere with the Gauchos. 

The Gaucho is the Argentine version of our cowboy where their horse is like their partner or best friend. After the 19th century Gauchos made up a majority of the rural population, herding cattle on the vast estancias. Today we were able to get a sense of the Gaucho lifestyle. We saw both the facon, which is a large knife they carry, as well as the rebenque, the leather whip.

It is very clear how influential the Gauchos are in Argentina and how much they are loved and respected. They have a lot of pride in what they do which they demonstrated when showing us their horsemanship tricks and skills. One gaucho was able to ride two horses while standing with one foot on the back of each horse. Another Gaucho showed us the bond between he and his horse by asking it to lay down, put its hooves on his shoulders etc. It is incredible the trust and the bond the Gauchos and their horses share.

The Gauchos explained to us the way they fight for a girl because it is not uncommon for two men to want the same woman. They ride their horses full speed and attempt to stick a pencil through a ring hanging from a bar. It requires a lot of skill and accuracy. If the Gaucho is able to get the ring then he puts it one the finger of the woman's hand he wishes to marry. If she accepts she kisses him back and if not she kisses the horse instead.                  

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